Latest Advertising Patterns

Oct 17 2019
Adhyatmik Media

Advertising is an essential part of an integrated marketing communications plan without which you can’t even supposed to do your business. Type of advertising choice depends upon the kind of business and target audience. Advertising trends have evolved from traditional print ads and TV spots to new marketing strategies that include QR means quick response codes, co-branding, content marketing, Omni channel marketing and online advertising. While print and TV are steadfast in the ad industry, new technology is opening new market to reach its target audience. Artificial intelligence, a faster mobile web, and ad technology are more of latest advertising patterns.

Content Marketing

Content marketing now the days is the main course of business growth which powers all digital communications from search to social to email marketing to creating website experiences which convert. Marketers approach their target audience through blogs and contents online where it is easier for them to generate more business. Content marketing has strengthened connections between consumers and brands while creating a new advertising vehicle. Small businesses can capitalize on the power of content marketing by running advertorials or hosting a blog on their Web site

Omni-channel marketing

Today, the increasing number of tools consumers have at their fingertips to make purchase decisions has shifted the way they buy. We have the internet, smartphones, magazines, TV, and brick-and-mortar businesses. Now interacting to customers through various means for business growth is easier through omni channel marketing. It focuses on providing a seamless experience across all channels. If you are a brick-and-mortar business with a website, you want the experience of transferring between that website to your storefront to be as easy as possible.

More landing pages

There is no doubt landing pages have become a more popular marketing tool in the last few years and recent data from Search Engine Journal shows that’s not changing anytime soon.  Landing pages are where users actually get those eBooks and whitepapers from businesses who offer them in exchange for something in return like name and email address.

Big Data

Big Data for advertise your products andservices is in high demand now the days. This is because marketers are aware of the potential of using data as what we call ‘actionable insight’. To help the decision on which technique to choose, we expanded upon the short labels you see in some polls to help scope the response more carefully.

Out stream video

This is the new format of advertising which marketers are adopting to publish their products and services. Outstream video is a new type of ad format that allows publishers to show video ads outside of actual video players in text line breaksor the corners of a web page. Outstream video has driven competition for ad placements within traditional video players down by opening up video ads to the entire web. Brands can now reach audiences on websites other than YouTube. They can also ensure their videos actually get watched, since outstream ads only play when they’re in full view of the internet user.


If you thought Instagram got big fast, wait until you see its growth compared to messenger apps. WhatsApp, WeChat, and Facebook Messenger are already outpacing the world’s biggest social networks, and some experts predict, with a little help, they could even spell the end of search engines. Their capabilities range from allowing you to order an Uber, to even serving as a virtual booking agent.

Marketing automation

At a time when digital marketers have to be everywhere and track everything, marketing automation technology is a must-use. These tools save employees time while giving managers greater insight into what drives their business. Today nearly half of all companies use marketing automation technology, and most successful adopters say that it’s “very important” to the overall success of their marketing across channels.

QR Codes

A QR code or a “quick response” code is a two-dimensional symbol akin to the Universal Product Code or “bar code”. A QR code elicits a digital action when scanned by a QR code reader. In advertising, it has gained traction as an interactive tool in which consumers can scan the code to retrieve additional information about the product or promotion.


Co-branding is a joint venture that combines the advertising efforts of two or more brands to create a new consumer product. The brands have worked together to create new consumer products that elevate brand awareness while creating heightened consumer interest in newly launched products. Small businesses can take a cue from national brands by launching a co-branded ad campaign with another recognized, locally-owned company.

Online Advertising

Consumers use the web to find many things, including businesses and brands. When it comes to capitalizing on reaching consumers, advertisers are using tools such as Google AdWords to create online advertising campaigns. Few trends in online advertising include marketing efforts such as search engine optimization, social media, mobile devices such as iPads and other handhelds, display ads and website banner ads.

Email Builds Customers

If you have a current customer email list, you may already be sending them ads about specials, promotions and new products. Be sure to promote your email list by asking people to sign up on your website and in your store if you have one. You can also expand your email base by buying lists of customers that are targeted in some way. Handle the emailing internally or hire a company to do it for you. If you hire a company, make sure it sends emails at regular intervals and offers other services such as writing the emails for you.

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